Christchurch Llanedeyrn Playgroup is a registered charity (Charity number 1199602). Our aim is to provide a safe, educational and caring environment that will encompass all the seven areas of learning for the Foundation Phase:
- Language, Literacy, and Communication
- Mathematics
- Creativity
- Physical
- Personal and Social Wellbeing and Multicultural understanding
- Knowledge and understanding of the World
- Curriculum Cymreig
A child’s religious, racial, cultural, and linguistic needs are recognised and sensitively responded to. Conducted through the medium of English, some use of the Welsh language is incorporated.
Activities include painting, water and sand play, playdough, imaginative play, story, and music time and much more! Playgroup holds a Christmas concert, an annual summer trip and plays host to a variety of visitors during the year, e.g. road safety staff, librarians, and musicians.
The Playgroup caters for children between two and five years old and is held in the church hall between 9.00am and 12.00pm, followed by a Lunch Club until 1.00pm Mondays to Fridays during term time. The staff are qualified, experienced and the current ratio is 1 adult to 4 children for under 3 years of age, and then 1 adult to 8 children for those of 3 years and over.
Playgroup is registered with Care Inspectorate Wales and can accommodate 32 children per session. It is also a member of Early Years Wales.
If you would like further details, please visit the Playgroup Website, or contact Karen Philip, playgroup leader.
Contact Details
Mrs. Karen Philip (Leader)
07951 687448 (Playgroup hours)
Playgroup Facebook Page