Christchurch Playgroup
The Playgroup is now a registered provider for two separate childcare schemes – the “Cardiff Childcare Offer” and H.M. Government’s tax- free “Childcare Choices” offer. Read more “Christchurch Playgroup”
The Playgroup is now a registered provider for two separate childcare schemes – the “Cardiff Childcare Offer” and H.M. Government’s tax- free “Childcare Choices” offer. Read more “Christchurch Playgroup” →
Congratulations to the Players for their performances of ‘Aladdin and the City of Thieves. Thanks to all the performers and all those who contributed in any way to the panto’s success. Read more “Pantomime time!” →
Ladies’ Circle has organised a buffet lunch, followed by an afternoon of carols, in the hall on Tuesday, December 11th. The event starts at 1.15pm with tickets priced at £4. All welcome to join in an afternoon of fellowship.
Choirs from Ysgol y Berllan Deg and Llanedeyrn Primary School will be taking part in this year’s Carol Aid evening at Christchurch. The event is on Friday, December 6th at 7.00pm. A warm welcome to all.
The weekend of events in support of Christian Aid proved a huge success. Churches in the north eastern corner of Cardiff gathered together for an unique programme of activities, worship opportunities and entertainment to coincide with Christian Aid’s Harvest Appeal. Well supported, with over 200 people visiting the venue, Christchurch, across the 24 hours, the total raised was £2,365 with further monies to be added to this figure. This amount will be banked by Christian Aid as part of its Harvest Appeal to which the EU government will match fund 5:1, taking the total raised to almost £12, 000. Huge thanks to all who supported, in any way, the event and all who worked tirelessly to organise and stage this weekend of fund raising. A full report is included in the November 2018 issue of Pulse.
Huge welcome to our Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 17th at 11.00am. Lots of stalls, refreshments and Santa too, in his grotto. Come along and join with us for a morning of fun and fellowship.
Advance notice of a weekend of events in support of Christian Aid on Saturday, October 13th (midday) into Sunday, October 14th (midday) ending with joint worship. Activities are being organised by a small team, drawn from churches in Cardiff East, but all events will be at one venue, Christchurch, with the aim of raising funds and awareness. Full details in the October issue of Pulse and on poster.
Over 50 children attended the Holiday Bible Club, on the theme of Showstoppers, over five weekday
mornings at the end of August. It was a huge success, an amazing week and the children had a great experience. On the Saturday, a number went to the Beach Party at Barry Island and were lucky to have a sunny day. The week concluded with a special service on the Sunday morning, followed by a buffet lunch enjoyed by over 80 guests! A full report will appear in the October edition of Pulse and more photos will be added to the Gallery page on this website.