Easter Sunrise Walk
There will be a dawn ‘Sunrise Walk’ on Easter Sunday, April 21st at 6.00a.m. All meet at the footbridge by the wild garden, Roath Park Lake.
There will be a dawn ‘Sunrise Walk’ on Easter Sunday, April 21st at 6.00a.m. All meet at the footbridge by the wild garden, Roath Park Lake.
All welcome to the Pancake Afternoon, hosted by Ladies Circle, on Tuesday March 5th at 1.30pm. Tickets priced at £2, to include tea/coffee and the first pancake or hot cross bun.
A selection of photos from Seven11 Youth Club.
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Christmas as Christchurch.
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A selection of photos from Junior Church’s ‘Wild Church’.
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Snapshots of Christmas Fair
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The Playgroup is now a registered provider for two separate childcare schemes – the “Cardiff Childcare Offer” and H.M. Government’s tax- free “Childcare Choices” offer. Read more “Christchurch Playgroup” →
Congratulations to the Players for their performances of ‘Aladdin and the City of Thieves. Thanks to all the performers and all those who contributed in any way to the panto’s success. Read more “Pantomime time!” →
Ladies’ Circle has organised a buffet lunch, followed by an afternoon of carols, in the hall on Tuesday, December 11th. The event starts at 1.15pm with tickets priced at £4. All welcome to join in an afternoon of fellowship.
Choirs from Ysgol y Berllan Deg and Llanedeyrn Primary School will be taking part in this year’s Carol Aid evening at Christchurch. The event is on Friday, December 6th at 7.00pm. A warm welcome to all.